Friday, May 12, 2017

Blog Stage 8: Comment on a colleague's work #2

       One of my fellow classmates wrote a blog over an article on “Gentrification in our local government” and I do agree with her statement. As someone who lives in east Austin, I have noticed new individuals moving in and renovating old homes bringing the value of others around to increase. In her statement, she states the Austin mayor Steve Adler is trying to fix the issue of gentrification and it’s interesting to know that his goal is to have a task force with local leaders that will treat everyone fair in the east Austin community. However, as Austin continues to expand, so is the idea of people moving into east Austin. I do believe it will be a continuous issue and it’s surprising to know that people refer to Austin as the fastest gentrification city in the United States. In addition not only will Mayor Steve Adler help the east community but it will also bring back to knowing Austin as the city of music and its festivals like Acl.
      Overall I believe that if the mayor does accomplish having the policy approved then we can see a decrease in residents getting evicted, and if we adapt to the ideas she mentions in her blog we can then potentially help Austin in addressing the gentrification. 

Friday, April 28, 2017

Blog 7 Original editorial or commentary #2

According to the Statesman the article, “Why school choice is the wrong choice” by Sara Stevenson. Stating that Democrats and Republicans seek the same means in improving education, however, the Texas House coalition banned to save public education in Texas. In addition, Sara acknowledges the fact that public education as a nation cost nearly 600 billion annually. The readers are introduced to Betsy Devos who was nominated by President-elect Donald Trump, in her plans to promote vouchers, cyber education and more. Sara indicates the problems that may be faced with vouchers due to not knowing if the families use it for education purposes or for example purchasing a family computer.  Another issue being faced is children who do not have the opportunity to accept the voucher do not have the same capabilities of education. Which then comes to question what happens to those children in need, people cannot ignore the fact that many families do not have the same amount of funding’s to support private schools. Sara states; “If those with the interest, extra funds and transportation can choose another option for schooling, what happens to the many children who don’t have that support?”  This can be seen as an ideal movement to want to seek better education as a whole for all children regardless if they have the voucher funding or now.
         Overall, I believe Sara’s commentary on education is well written she uses pathos, and ethos to get to her readers. In order to pursue them into seeking better education for children of all backgrounds.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Blog Stage 6- Commentary on colleague's blog 1

       I agree with my colleague who wrote a blog on "Texas Should Not Allow Guns On College Campus" on Patel Perspective. Although Texas has passed the law on Concealed carry the uneasiness of knowing a classmate is carrying a firearm is terrifying she states "Anyone could get a license to have a gun; it could end up in someone's hand where it should not belong." and that's a very true statement people can be unpredictable at times. 
       In addition, I believe that seeing a colleague carrying a gun can be distracting as most people will disregard the material being taught in class to focusing on themselves and their surroundings due to feeling insecure. I would agree most people will shoot a firearm as self-defense but in cases of coming in contact with an active shooter, most people are likely to hesitate. While others will argue that carrying a firearm ensures their safety there is no guarantee that they will use it to stop an active shooter. I myself do not see a difference between someone carrying a firearm with paperwork as oppose to someone who does not, either way, their is no warranty that my life or anyone else's is not at risk. 
        Lastly, I agree that there are many alternatives than carrying a firearm as Patel states; "For instance, most universities have policies that can escort a student to their designated area." another example she uses is pepper spray which is a great way to ensure one's safety, but does not jeopardize a majority of people. I do believe this law should be reviewed and changed to ensure a safe college campus without having students fearing of other's carrying firearms. 

Friday, March 31, 2017

Blog Stage 5 - Senate Bill 4

This year we had the Senate Bill 4 passed to the Texas House as listed as one of the emergency items by Governor Greg Abbott himself. The Bill is meant to penalize law officials that do not enforce immigration reform it is, also seeking to give local law enforcement agencies the ability to enforce immigration policies. With this bill many have stressed their fear and concerns in how it may affect the way immigrants, think on behave of contacting law enforcement when crime is being committed or witnessed.
I do not think Senate Bill 4 should be passed due to the scenario that the people who will be more affected, by this would be immigrant families as they will have to live in constant fear of being separated from their loved ones. And although Greg Abbott himself says they should not fear if no crime is being committed reality is that many will experience discrimination. However, this brings in question that their is many undocumented individuals in Texas as well as around the country that contribute to paying taxes, and do not have a criminal record what happens to them then, when a person is pulled over for the first time?
Another issue many Texans would face if Senate Bill 4 is passed is the rise of children in foster homes due their parents being deported and not having other family members to care for them. These are a couple of issues that have come forward since the Senate Bill 4 was presented.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Blog Stage Four: Substantial Commentary or Criticism #2

In Empower Texans the editorial “City Employees Paid Huge Severances, Hush Money, Termination Bonuses” by Ross Kecseg he states that in North Texas there has been a rise in “Termination bonuses” from employees. Kecseg’s audience is Texas taxpayers he stresses that Texas state laws should protect them from situations like these or at least inform them where their tax money is going too. He uses George Campbell the former city manager of Denton as an example on the income he received when his contract was not renewed.
He explains that lucrative severances are commonly seen in local government as well as how people agree than disagree with officials. And most workers who are laid off are paid to keep quiet or being paid for them to leave in general. Kecseg states that most of the people's property taxes go to people who are no longer working for the corporation as their way of commission. Quoting: “Texas taxpayers faced with rising property tax bills must be frustrated to see their ballooning taxes are funding bonuses for terminated public “servants”. In addition, to this, he explains that this is not the only time Denton has experienced a track record of giving finances to unemployed workers and in order to see a positive outcome the people should implement to the local government to address these financial issues.
In other words, I agree with Ross Kecseg in his aspects of him wanting to bring the attention of the people in order for them to address the issues of terminated bonuses that continue to occur in North Texas.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Blog Stage Three: Substantial commentary or criticism #1

In Burnt Orange Report the article “Report Finds “Predictable Regulation” May Have Prevented West, Texas Explosion” By Joe Deshotel it’s evidently that Texas has lacked to improve its fire code in case of an emergency. By no providing the adequate training for first responders, and is foreshadowing a possible tragedy even though the first incident did not seem to alert the United States Chemical Safety Board. A quote being “On Thursday, a report by the United Stets Chemical Safety Board outlined the unfortunate reality that not has changed since that fateful day.”
Deshotel’s audience is meant towards the concerned citizens of Texas as his goals is too informed them on the changes that have not been accomplished to increase the safety of these plants. He has worked in and around the government including US Congress and is Director of the Travis County Democratic Party. In addition to this Deshotel claims that by improving the Chemical Safety Board protocols there will be less likely a chance of a tragedy, he points out how Governor Abbott has a weak look in the chemical industry and has tried to hide it from the public eye. A quote being “Abbott went through great lengths to protect the chemical industry and hide important safety information from the public.”
           Ultimately, I completely agree with Deshotel on what he states will help the chemical industry by adding fertilizer-grade ammonium nitrate, and sprinkler systems in warehouse facilities. Furthermore, I believe that informing the public on what to be alert for and how they can contribute to the Austin City Council in order to see change in these facilities now.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Blog Stage 2: Article Introduction and Colleague’s Blogs

Hello classmates, Take a moment and learn more about the “ICE Operation” on the Burnt Orange Report titled “#KnowYourRights: ICE Operation Reportedly Underway In Travis County” Written by Lize Burr.

This article informs us all on the Immigration and Customs Enforcement operations, also known as “ICE” around Travis County. Along with this news it lets the readers know in what ways, they can inform those who can be potentially affected by the ICE organization. In addition, to this the article informs the readers on operations like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Immigrant Service Network of Austin as they try to make immigrant families aware on what to do if they come across the Immigration and Customs Enforcement.